After a nice train ride through the German countryside we get off in Potsdam Haupibanhof. and started walking towards the Brandenburger Tor , Yes another one! lol we have come across this....
Must go and have a closer look :)
Looks like they are still building around this square , and it all appears newly renovated.
And next door , this courtyard with a FLAT" 3 d looking dome :) very strange
Now we have found the Brandenburger Tor , much smaller than the main one Berlin centre.
Walking down the main shopping rows , beautiful buildings, would look great on a sunny summers day i guess :)
Ooops we are in another pastry shop :)
Jan is at it Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just cant keep her hands off Lol

The Palaces and Gardens next, its is getting very overcast and rain in the air .
The main Sanssouci Palace and Gardens look spectacular , but probably not today in these conditions.
Walking along the main Hauptallee we come to the first fountain pool and formal gardens in front of a big palace. all the statues are covered in wooden crates , there must be hundreds of them in this park!!!!!!!!!
The Palace of Schloss Sanssouci INFO HERE
The terraced vineyards lead up to the single level Palace
Spectacular even in the rain!
Continuing the walk around the back of this palace and it has started chucking it down!
There are a couple of these amazing gazebo structures at either side of the palace.
Around the other side of the Park , a main entrance structure :)
and another Gazebo :)
Back around the front and walking down the vineyard to the main centre path to continue towards the New Palace.
A Windmill!!!!!!!!
and a Chinese Teahouse :)
New Palace.
Most of the statues and stone walls are covered, some look like they are being cleaned or renovated.
We must get a move on now, its starting to get dark and we are a long way from the station..
But around the back we come across this..............
This is Potsdam university, this image lightened to show it properly, it is getting quite dark now
It is chucking it down , i have taken a load of phone shots but have to try shooting with camera, even though it is very dark and i haven't brought my tripod today! high 3200 iso the only option .
Its a pity we didn't come here earlier, if we had known! its amazing architecture
I have processed these as b&w , as its too dull to show any colour now, Jan has already started walking towards where i think there is a tram stop.
Time to go, its horrendous now and we are in a big rain storm and have no shelter or idea where to go to nearest tram or train stop! thankfully i have google maps on my phone :)
Eventually after seeing a tram in the distance , which we miss . i have found a train station is only a short walk away and goes straight to Potsdam where we can dry off and get some dinner.
the end of a soggy day !