Friday, 12 February 2016

Fun along the Wall Berlin pt 2 jan 2016

Today we are going to see the "Wall"    its drizzling and basically a horrible forecast all day!  But the bright grafitti on the wall at the "East Side Gallery" will brighten everything :)
We take the train from Theodor heuss platz  to Warschauer Srt , the nearest station to the Wall , then walk down back to the river Spree to the magnificent Oberbaum Bridge.   The "East side gallery" starts here and follows the river for 1.3 km where artists have painted this section of the wall.

As you can see , its chucking it down as we arrive , hope it stops so i can shoot some long exposures on the river as there is fast moving pieces of ice flowing down the river!

                                         Ice flows on the river!     moving quite fast

 One large section of the wall on the road side has railing put up and looks like they are being re painted with as there is no graffiti on these paintings.

                                                      Walking Dead attack!!!!!  lol

 A series of paintings........................  

                                                                                     Haha :)

                                              In the distance , covered in low cloud/mist. 

                     Time to turn around and head back along the other side of the wall now :)

                                                    Another Brick in the Wall :D

Having come around to the river side, the grass is flooded and covered in ice allowing me to photograph some great reflections, Jan shot me standing on the ice :)

                                                      I am standing in water on top of ice!!!!

Having stopped raining i need to shoot some long exposures quickly while its like this.......

                                          25 seconds with big stopper and b&w conversion

                                           The ice has stopped flowing!!!!!!!!!!! Bummer!

                                        Walking back to the train now , love this bridge :)

                                                           On a building side, its Huge!!!!!!!

    We have taken the train and ended up at "Checkpoint Charlie" to have a quick look around.


                                                                 Not to out done :D

                          Now back to base as its chucking it down , we pass the zoo aquarium all lit up

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