Arriving nice and early ish for me that is lol i soon spot a nice back lit white feeding on a thistle flower
And on the fence nearby a Drone hoverfly resting, shot with canon mpe-65 macro lens
Some sort of plant bug , i never manage to id these things. again mpe lens used
Good job i didn't bring Mollster , never seen this sign before , they are doing alot of work here putting up fences preventing access large areas . this will probably prevent me getting to the best areas and may have to find another place to visit . why cant they leave nature reserves natural without boundary's! the best wild flowers for shooting are now on the wrong side of the fenced off path!
another Drone portrait , i haven't used the mpe nearly enough recently , must use it more next year.
A couple of butterfly's feeding on the Wrong side of the fence , which is not finished so i got through the gaps lol
a Gatekeeper
Walking along the boardwalk now in search of Dragonfly's
The common darters are sunbathing on the fence rail , i just need to creep up on them carefully now to get within a couple inches with the mpe for some portraits
5 frames focus stacked to increase depth of field
Fly on Black
a Noonday fly portrait , I'm having fun now :) love this lens!

I have just spotted an Emerald damselfly , never seen one here before but its difficult to get in the long grass to get a shot ,using 100mm lens i need to get the focal plane correct so all parts of it are sharply in focus,, i failed :(
a newly emerged common darter
nice back lighting on the newly emerged dragon
walking along the fence i have just noticed a digger wasp ,I need to get within 3 inches with the lens for this one! i have crawled along the ground to get close without spooking it Yay! gotcha :D
In the meadow area there are quite a few Peacocks , ALWAYS great to see these common but stunning butterfly's
I have just spotted a yellowy/orange butterfly flying in the distance over this meadow , it Must be a Clouded yellow! i have just Got to get a shot of it, only ever once seen one of these migratory butterfly's.
running through the tall meadow with a long lens i get close and it flys off :( but soon spot it again and just manage this poor shot. carefully getting closer i am almost near enough to use the 100mm macro lens when Another Clouded Yellow comes down and spooks the first one!! Bollocks
after about 3/4 hour i have spotted one again, and this time manage to get fairly close to get these two images YAY!
Stunning to see , they look more orange in flight
the end of a fantastic days macro shooting :)